It may appear that once again I'm taking the easy way out by fulfilling my urge to write a blog by simply sharing a list, but I assure you that I have thought long and hard about the subject of my upcoming post and this list seemed like the only option. I'm afraid you will either have to like it or lump it, it's the best I can come up with on this lazy Thursday morning.
Digression aside, I recently made a trip to California. In the past I have expressed my love for the state and its people with an outpouring of joy and admiration in the form of a blog, I assumed that method was getting old and weary so I felt no need to put fingers to keyboard just to express what eveyone already knows. On this trip however, in return for all the happiness and fun the people of LA and The Bay Area have given me in days long gone, I subconciously decided to infect every person I met with a mild case of swine flu*. "Mild" in some situations turned out to be worse than in others. Here are the dear people that I remember sharing my disease with, either directly or indirectly, one will never know (in no particular order):
Alex B.
Alex B's Dad
Alex Ryan
I can almost guarantee that this is not the comprehensive list that I had assembled in my mind last week, I shall elaborate on it at a later date I guess.
*The only way I have of knowing that it was actually swine flu is that when Alex B passed out on a visit to the doctor's surgery, he told her that it was most likely said plague. Actual results are still pending.
Wednesday, 9 September 2009
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